Natural Health Articles about Dogs and Cats

These articles about dogs and cats have been written and collected especially for you, the organic, holistic, dog and cat "at-home" healer.

Each article targets your most frequently asked natural pet health concerns, offering common sense answers, safe and effective drug-free alternatives, and simple How-To solutions.

Orange kitten playing with a white and blue ball with bell inside

Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Little Girl Pet Lover hugging her cat and dog
Cancer In Dogs and Cats
Cancer Symptoms in Dogs and Cats
Natural Wellness Even for Cancer
The Immune System and Cancer Care for Dogs and Cats

Cats Only: Flea bites, Hairballs, and Pain

Cat Found – Now What? Ten Tips to a Happy Reunion
Cat Safe Flea Spray – Found!
How To Recognize Pain In Cats
Kidney Disease in Cats
Looking for Love in All the Wrong Cat Breeds?
Natural Cures for Cat Hairballs
Natural Worm Treatment for Cats
Understanding Cat Behavior: Why Does My Cat … ?
Why Our Natural Cat Flea and Tick Control Uses No Essential Oils

Detox for Dogs and Cats

Owner petting her large white dog outside in the grass
6 Ways to Assess & Improve Your Pet’s Food Quality
Do we really need a DETOX for dogs and cats?
Elevate Your Pet’s Well-being: Upgrade their Nutrition & Detox Routine
Environmental Toxins Toll on Your Dog or Cat
This Natural Dog Detox Works on the Whole Dog

Diabetes in Dogs and Cats

Canine Diabetes, Feline Diabetes: Six Symptoms To Look For
Cat and Dog Diabetes Controlled with Medicinal Herbs
Diabetic Cataracts in Dogs
My dog just got diagnosed with diabetes, is it safe to use natural herbs with insulin?
Our Herbal Dog Detox Targets Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Gall Bladder, Colon, Lungs and Skin
Calico cat sitting on couch

Dog and Cat Dental Care

5 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Cat
Alcohol In Dog Dental Sprays, Good or Bad?
All-Natural Dog Dental Care:A Healthy, Affordable Alternative With Less Stress, Less Mess
Bad Dog Breath Causes and Cures
Choose Your Dog Dental Product Wisely
Dangers of Alcoholic Dental Sprays for Dogs and Cats
DIY Cat Dental Care
Do-It-Yourself Dog Dental Care
February is Pet Dental Health Month
Gingivitis In Dogs and Cats

Dog Ear, Eye and Skin Problems

Dog Running outside With Tongue Out
5 Dog Eye Problems: Focus on Herbal Remedies
5 Dog Skin Problems – 5 Natural Remedies
Dog Ear Cropping: Cosmetic Care or Animal Cruelty?
Dog Ear Infections – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Keeping Your Dog’s Vision Clear
The Best Natural Cataract Medicine for Dogs and Cats Just Got Better!

Dogs Only: Kennel Cough, How to Trim Dog Nails, Grooming Guide

5 Human Foods That Are Good For Dogs
8 Cool DIY Dog Toys From Stuff You Throw Away
A Diet Pill For Dogs? Somebody Shoot Me!
Addison’s Disease in Dogs
Are You Adding a Second Dog to the Family?
Aromatherapy for Dogs: Is it safe? Can it help?
Borrow a Dog to House Train Your Puppy in One Day
Bring Your Dog on Vacation: Checklist and Cool Tips
Caring For a Dog With Congestive Heart Failure? Natural Remedy May Help
Clicker Train Your Dog In Minutes
Could You Save Your Dog from Choking?
Curing Kennel Cough In Dogs
Curious and Bizarre Dog Behaviors Explained
Dachshund Breed: Loyal, Lovable, Laughable
Dog Cataract Medicine, or Surgery?
Dog Language: Your Dog-to-English Translation Guide
Dog on a Budget: The New Affordable Fido
Dog Psychotherapy – Three Sane Alternatives
Five Bucks Says You Can’t Answer These 6 Common Questions About Dogs
How Can I Help My Dog Live Longer, Naturally?
Is My Dog Safe Under Anesthesia?
Natural Treatment for Dog Dementia
New Puppy Basic Training: Top 6 Skills Every Puppy Should Learn
Pancreatitis in Dogs
Parvo Puppy Treatment by Pioneering Shelter Vet Reaches 90% Survival Rate

Fleas and Ticks

5 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Cat
All Natural Pet Flea Killer Also Kills Ticks, Lice, Mites and Bed Bugs
Cat Safe Flea Spray – Found!
Controlling Fleas and Ticks: The Holistic Approach
Fleas: Dirty Secrets, Disturbing Information, and Things You Don’t Want To Know
Home Health Check for Dogs and Cats
How to Eliminate Cat Worms
How To Kill Fleas: Five Surefire Solutions, One Responsible Choice
How to Prepare for a New Pet
Is Animal Testing Used in Your Dog Or Cat’s Flea and Tick Product?
Is Citronella Safe for My Pets as Insect Repellent?
Is Your Flea Killer Safe… Naturally?
Loyalty Rewards Program
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, why is my cat so obsessed with thee?
Pet Dementia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Prepare Your Dogs and Cats for Fall
Protecting Your Pets Heart: National Heart Month
Quick and Easy Dog Grooming Guide
Reasons Why Shelter Dogs are the Best
Summer Activities to Do with Pets

Holistic Pet Care

Small Business, USA Made Pet Products
This Natural Dog Detox Works on the Whole Dog
Why Choose A Holistic Veterinarian?
Why Natural Products are Important for Pets
Woman hugging her black lab outside in the grass

Immune System in Cats and Dogs

Young woman hugging her small white poodle
Building a Healthy Cat or Dog Immune System
Cat And Dog Immune System
Even Healthy Dogs & Cats Need Immune System Support
The Immune System and Cancer Care for Dogs and Cats

Parasites and Worms, Non-toxic Worm Remedies

Can Dog Worms and Cat Worms Infect Humans?
Can I use a natural remedy for dewormer for my senior dog?
How Dog Fleas Lead to Dog Worms
Natural Worm Treatment for Cats
Non-Toxic Worm Remedies for Dogs and Cats

Rescue a Dog or Cat

5 Ways to Help Your Local Animal Shelter
Cat Found – Now What? Ten Tips to a Happy Reunion
Could You Save Your Dog from Choking?
CPR on Pets -Your Mouth-to-Snout Rescue Guide
What To Do With an Unwanted Pet
Will You Rescue a Pet for the Holidays?
Kitty Hiding on the side of a wooden cabinet

Save Money on Pets

10 Dangerous Things for Your Pet In Your Home
Basic First Aid For Dogs and Cats
Helping Your Child Cope with the Death of a Pet
Home Health Check for Dogs and Cats
How to Give a Stubborn Dog or Cat a Pill
How To Remove Pet Stains on Carpet and Upholstery
Pet Grieving: How Pets Mourn the Loss of a Companion
Preventive Care for Pets – 10 Household Hints
Protecting Pets from Household Poisons
Tips and Recipes that Help the Pet Medicine Go Down
Top Ten Tips to Save Money on Pet Care
When Pets Fly – How to Ship Your Dog or Cat by Airplane
Why Pet Lovers Live Longer, Healthier and Happier

Think About It

Animal Self-Medication: Do Wild Animals Heal Themselves?
How Does Animal Communication Work? Ask Your Dog!
Munchausen By Proxy With Pets
Veterinary Care Goes Human Grade
Alert white spotted Dog outside

Suffering pups or cats?

Give them relief and get them back to their healthy, active self.

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