Dog Cataract Medicine, or Surgery?

Frequently, dog cataract medicine can be a safe and effective alternative to risky and expensive eye surgery.

Picture yourself enjoying a morning romp in the park with your beloved Golden Retriever. She seems happy to be outdoors, but somehow she’s not her usual self. Then in the sunlight you notice a light gray film spreading across her eyes like thin clouds. The pleasure of the day drains away as you remember the words of your vet in the exam room when you first brought your puppy home.  “Goldens are one of the breeds most prone to cataracts.”

Only now do the telltale signs begin to make sense – the brushing up against furniture, sometimes running into things, the sudden lack of interest in toys or playtime.

Your vet goes through the options. Prices range from $1500 to $5000 per eye. Recovery can often be difficult especially in dogs past middle age. If left untreated, she may go completely blind. The doctor talk continues, but you begin the inevitable wondering and hoping, Isn’t there something more I could have done to avoid all this? More importantly, isn’t there something I can find online today that will actually work on dog cataracts?

There is currently no veterinary prescribed dog cataract medicine (“Cataracts”, 2019) but there is one herbal remedy, a dog cataract medicine that is showing impressive outcomes for stopping the progress of, and even reversing, cataracts in dogs. Stay tuned.

How Can You Tell if Your Pet has Cataracts?

The most obvious indication of a cataract is clouding over the eye. Make sure you have your vet evaluate your dog if you think cataracts may be forming, as many other ophthalmic conditions can look like cataracts. Most veterinarians have the equipment necessary to diagnose cataracts, so you should not need to go to a veterinary ophthalmologist. Clouding will usually progress from a small spot and progress outwards in one or both eyes. Progress varies between dogs.

Dogs who are becoming blind due to cataracts may become clumsy and reluctant to jump or move quickly, especially in dimly-lit areas.

Usually, cataracts are not painful, but sometimes they will cause your dog to feel an itching or irritating sensation. Dogs with cataracts may squint or have watery eyes and may paw at their eyes as well. As cataracts progress, they may lead to glaucoma, which is very painful and will cause your dog to cry and paw at her eyes.

What Causes Cataracts?

Just like in people, cataracts are more common in older pets but may occur at any time in your dog or cat’s life. Dogs with a strong genetic prevalence for cataracts may get them even when they are quite young. Dogs are much more likely to get cataracts than cats.

Inherited cataracts are the most common. Certain dog breeds are more prone to cataracts, including Poodle and Doodle crosses, Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies, and Havanese. Diabetes is also a very common cause of cataracts, with more than 75% of diabetic dogs developing them. Cataracts may also result from injury to the eye, infections, or nutritional deficiencies. (“Signs Your Pet May Have Glaucoma or Cataracts”, 2017). 

How are Cataracts Treated Conventionally?

The only traditionally veterinarian-recommended treatment for cataracts is surgery. Cataracts are broken up with ultrasonic technology that uses sound waves to dissolve the affected lens.  In most cases, the discolored lens material is removed and an artificial lens replaced to return vision to the eye. In other cases, the lens cannot be replaced, leading to blurry vision.

Recovery can be challenging as most dogs want to scratch at their eyes post surgery. Your dog will need to wear an e-collar and stay quiet for two weeks or more after surgery (“Cataract Surgery”, 2016)

If cataract surgery is not elected, your veterinarian may recommend that you use anti-inflammatory drops regularly to keep your dog from experiencing pain and irritation from the cataracts. Your vet may also suggest ways to help your dog cope with blindness. You will need to monitor your dog closely for the development of glaucoma.

On the bright side, however, an organic, herbal, natural dog cataract medicine now exists that uses N-acetyl L-carnosine (NALC), a harmless Amino Acid and Free Radical Scavenger that has been found effective in several clinical trials for a range of species, dogs included. This supplement is still in the trial stage and veterinarians are not yet allowed to prescribe it. It has not been found to have any negative effects in any test subjects of any species. (More below)

Besides Dog Cataract Medicine, What Else Can You Do to Avoid/Prevent/Reverse This Disease?

If You Buy from a Breeder, Choose a Responsible Breeder

If you are considering a breed that tends to be prone to cataracts, choose a responsible breeder who can show records for lines that are clear of cataracts for several generations. Even so, it is possible that your dog will still develop cataracts, but using a responsible breeder reduces the possibility significantly. Next, Feed a Healthy Diet

Feeding your dog a healthy, well-balanced diet and maintaining her ideal weight will make it much less likely that she will develop {diabetes}. Since diabetes is a primary cause of cataracts, preventing it can go a long way to preventing cataracts in your dog. Try to Avoid Injury and Sickness

Cataracts will develop after an injury to the eye or with general infections, so keeping your dog healthy and preventing injuries can also help to prevent cataracts. Make sure not to give your dog toys that could injure your dog’s eye while she is chewing on them.

Restrict boisterous play that may cause a dog to accidentally scratch another dog’s eye. This is especially important if your dog has protuberant eyes, like Pugs or Shih Tzus. Make sure your dog is up on vaccinations and treat minor injuries quickly to prevent infection that could lead to cataracts. Use a Dog Cataract Medicine Containing N-acetyl L-carnosine (NALC

Clinical research has found the naturally occurring Amino Acid and Free Radical Scavenger N-acetyl L-carnosine (NALC or NAC) to be effective against the lipid peroxidation in the lens which results in cataracts. This natural cataract remedy for dogs can stop and even reverse the progress of cataracts in a range of species, including dogs.

A study found that rabbits treated with the solution had improvements in ophthalmological issues from dry eye and floaters to more serious problems like glaucoma, retinal degeneration, and of course, cataracts.

90% of human subjects also had improvement in eye conditions using the supplement. There are equally positive results in another study with dogs that have cataracts.

In no studies have there been any indication of negative side effects, so while this dog cataract medicine has not made its way into mainstream veterinary medicine yet, it is safe to try and may save your pet from blindness or painful and risky cataract surgery.
Choose an Organic, Natural Cataract Remedy for Dogs

There are a plenty of supplements that claim to prevent or treat cataracts in cats and dogs, but most are not backed by clinical trials. Only Primalix Cataractin for Dogs and Cats contains the clinically studied ingredient N-acetyl L-carnosine (plus Bilberry berries, Ginkgo Biloba, Dandelion Root and Wheatgrass Extract) to stop and/or reverse the progress of cataracts in dogs without harmful side effects or risky surgery.

Our proprietary formula was decrypted from ancient Ayurvedic records and validated, with the addition of N-acetyl L-carnosine, for veterinary-naturopathic healing. Primalix Cataractin is available only from Natural Wonder Products.

This elegant dog cataract medicine is a Glycerite compound, meaning it’s free of harmful alcohol. It also gets absorbed into the gut up to five times more thoroughly than tablets, pills or granules. All ingredients are USDA certified organic and human grade. You get a large 4 oz amber bottle with dropper. Comes in convenient Functional Food Drops which you add to wet or dry food.

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