
Cat and Dog Diarrhea Versus Nature's Phytonutrient Wipe Out!

The same way nature compels an animal to poop out the very germs that made it sick, nature also provides special plants to make it whole again.

Bouts of dog diarrhea (or cat diarrhea) can be an unpleasant experience for both you and your pet.

Happy Little Dog in Grass wearing a black harness

Causes of Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites, often from water or contaminated food. It can also be caused by food intolerance, a reaction to some medicines or even a change in food brand.

Types of Diarrhea

Types of Diarrhea

There are two types of diarrhea. Acute diarrhea, despite its alarming name, is a temporary condition and not usually serious. Symptoms include soft or watery stools and abdominal discomfort. Acute diarrhea can be caused by bacterial infection, or could simply be your pet’s body healing itself or eliminating harmful toxins.

The other type is Chronic diarrhea and is characterized by explosive, watery stools sometimes coated with blood or mucus. It can continue for days; your pet may even have normal stools in between the bouts of diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea is a long term condition that may cause weight loss or an unkempt appearance to your pet's fur or coat.

Persistent chronic diarrhea may indicate an underlying condition such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or liver, thyroid or kidney disease. In cats (and to a lesser extent, dogs), diarrhea can be caused by pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Diarrhea accompanied by vomiting and sudden lethargy should be immediately checked out by a veterinarian.


Cat and Dog Diarrhea First Response

Avoiding dehydration is your first step in treating diarrhea in dogs and cats. Dehydration can become very serious very quickly due to loss of essential electrolytes. Make sure your pet has access to plenty of fresh water.

Treat the Cause of Your Pet's Diarrhea

It is important to tackle the cause of your pet's diarrhea. The good news is we can avoid harmful prescriptions or over-the-counter drugs by using some of nature's most potent herbal diarrhea Wipe-Outs to blast unwanted bugs from your pet's system.

Herbal Remedy

Herbal Home Remedy for Diarrhea

Our Primalix Number 2 is a safe and effective herbal home remedy for all breeds of domestic dogs and cats.

It contains a blend of natural medicines that fortify your pet’s digestive system to defend against the germs that cause diarrhea including diarrhea with blood.

It does it without prescription antibiotics that can further impede the digestive system.

Plant nutrients help with the physical discomfort a cat or dog with diarrhea can experience.

Included are herbs that soothe an irritated gastrointestinal tract, and herbs with cholagogue action that naturally stimulates bile production. Nutritional uptake also recovers when digestive juices flow.

Natural Ingredients

Natural Ingredients

Barberry Root Bark (Berberis vulgaris)

This thorny branched shrub has been used as a medicine for over 2500 years in both Ayurvedic and Chinese traditions. In Indian medicine dried Barberry root bark is used to soothe upset stomach, stimulate appetite and promote an overall sense of well-being.

Barberry root bark contains the chemical berberine, an alkaloid that, according to studies, contains anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory properties. Modern science is now catching up with what herbalists have known for centuries. A clinical study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases found berberine effective against diarrhea caused by the E. coli and Cholera bacteria.1 Other tests reveal berberine's anti-microbial action against MRSA, the drug-resistant killer bug that haunts hospitals. One study suggested  Barberry improves the symptoms of diarrhea "even better than pharmaceutical antibiotics."2

Oregon Grape Root (Berberis aquifolium)

Another evergreen shrub, Oregon Grape Root produces berries whose color and dustiness resemble bunches of grapes, hence its name. Oregon Grape Root is related to Barberry and herbalists use it in clinical practice to treat intestinal parasites, gastritis and other digestive problems. Like Barberry, Oregon grape contains high levels of berberine3 and berbamine making this herb an excellent rescue for gastrointestinal problems and distress in the stomach and intestines.

Calendula Flowers (Calendula officinalis)

Also known as pot marigold, Calendula differs from the French marigold that is grown as an annual in gardens. Calendula is a medicinal plant that has been in use since the 12th century. It is well known for its near-miraculous skin healing properties, but also has some lesser known medicinal effects on cat and dog diarrhea.

A 2008 study shows Calendula to be an effective against colitis (inflammation of the bowel) and diarrhea.4 It has astringent properties and also contains oleanolic acid which demonstrates in scientific tests to be effective at inhibiting the growth of multiple harmful microbes and parasites.5

Marshmallow Leaf (Althea officinalis)

Marshmallow derives its name from the Greek word althainein, meaning 'to heal'. Indeed this plant is one of nature's great soothing medicines. The toothed, velvety leaves of Marshmallow were used 2000 years ago in the Middle East to make poultices to alleviate inflammation, a practice still used in Arab folk medicine today.

Both the roots and leaves contain mucilage, a gum-like substance. When mucilage comes into contact with water it forms a gel. This gel reduces irritation of the gastrointestinal tract by soothing mucus membranes present in the stomach and intestine.

USDA Certified Organic

USDA Certified Organic or Wildharvested

Our extraction solvent (menstruum) consists of our own proprietary blend of organic vegetable glycerin (very low glycemic load), apple cider vinegar, and crystal clear water which we ionize and purify through filters measuring one one-hundredth of a micron. We do not extract with alcohol, which is harmful to dogs and cats, nor with heat which "denatures" the very herbal constituents that do the healing.

Our herbs are organically cultivated (USDA Certified Organic or Wildharvested) to maintain purity. We then place them into our full spectrum extraction process one precious gallon at a time, at the peak of their potency cycle, agitating frequently for no less than a fortnight.

Ours is a time-honored tradition of tincturing that assures the constituent ratios in our extracts are identical to the synergistic nutrient ratios in the plants used.

We make and sell only our own products, so we know exactly what’s in them. We know of no other herbal extraction method that so painstakingly prepares Nature's bounty for our beloved animal companions.

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Dosing Instructions

Administer by mouth on an empty stomach, or add to food.

  • Cats and small dogs (up to 20 lbs.): 1/2 dropper twice daily
  • Medium dogs (21 to 60 lbs.): 1 dropper twice daily
  • Large dogs (61 to 100 lbs.): 2 droppers twice daily
  • Giant dogs (101 lbs. and up) 3 droppers twice daily

Give daily for 10 days to 2 weeks or until symptoms are eliminated.

NOTE: One "dropper" equals one squeeze of the black bulb (1.0mL), which fills the pipette about half full. Refrigerate after opening.

Our Risk-Free Guarantee

Every bottle of Primalix Number 2 is guaranteed to meet your complete satisfaction or your money back! Simply return the unused portion to Natural Wonder Products within 60 days for a full refund of your purchase price (less S&H). No hassle, no questions asked. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy!

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