5 Dog Eye Problems: Focus on Herbal Remedies

Dog eye problems, just like people eye problems, include a variety of conditions that obstruct proper vision and make our pets and ourselves uncomfortable.

Disease, environmental factors, toxins and injury can cause problems with dog’s eyes. Veterinarians see a number of eye problems in dogs. Most respond well to conventional treatment as well as natural, organic herbal remedies.

Inflamed Third Eyelid

Besides the two usual lids of the eye as humans have, canines have a third eyelid that rests just under the lower lid. The third eyelid contains a gland that secretes fluid to keep the dog’s eyes moist. 

Usually, this third eyelid is completely invisible. It can only be seen when some condition is causing it to lift above the other lid. Irritation and infection of this eyelid can cause it to swell and become visible as red, inflamed tissue on the eye – a condition called conjunctivitis. Your veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic ointment to eliminate the bacteria and return your dog’s appearance to normal.  

Some breeds that have bulging eyes may cause this third eyelid to bulge out and become visible. This “dog red eye” is often referred to as cherry eye. Though it is often not troublesome to the dog, it does detract from the animal’s good looks. Surgery is sometimes done to remove the bulging tissue to provide a better appearance. 

But instead of surgery or antibiotics that can disrupt intestinal balance and nutritional uptake, why not approach the problem from the inside out? Many natural, organic dog enthusiasts turn to Primalix Immune to boost and balance the dog’s natural healing mechanism. Dog eye problems respond especially well when internal defenses are properly nourished.  

Foreign Object in Eye

This is one dog eye problem that has no direct herbal remedy. Dogs may get tiny bits of material stuck in their eyes when they run through brambles or hang their heads out of car windows. The dog’s eyes may water and make him blink, squint and paw at the sockets.  

If you can see the object when you hold your dog’s eye open, try to pick it out with a tissue or tweezers. It is often easier to simply flush the eye with a saline solution made for eyes, or with purified water. If this doesn’t remove the object, make an appointment with the veterinarian to get an accurate diagnosis, treatment and medication if necessary. 

Allergic Eye Reactions

Like humans, dogs may develop allergies to substances in their environment that cause their bodies to produce a reaction. Allergens that can affect your dog include tree pollen, grass pollen, weed pollen, molds and mildew.  

Some animals show allergic reactions to strong household cleaners. Food allergies can also cause reactions. These dogs may develop watery eyes, squinting, constant rubbing at the eyes and discharge from the eyes.  

Some dog breeds are more susceptible to allergies. If you believe your dog may have allergic reactions, discuss the matter with your vet. He or she may prescribe antihistamines to relieve symptoms. The vet may recommend washing the animal’s eyes daily to remove allergens. Antibiotics or anti-yeast medications may be prescribed to prevent secondary infections from allergies. Allergy shots may be recommended to desensitize the animal. You may also have to change the type of cleaners you use on floors, carpets and bedding materials. 

Here again, these dog eye problems with allergens respond especially well when the dog’s immune system is nourished naturally with healing herbs.  

Eye Growths and Tearing

Occasionally, dogs will develop growths around and in their eyes. These problems usually occur with older dogs but may also affect younger animals. Your veterinarian should diagnose the problem to determine what type of treatment is necessary. In some cases your vet may recommend surgery to prevent the dog’s vision from being hampered by the growth.  

Warts around the eyes may not require treatment unless they become large enough to impede vision or annoying enough to cause the dog to paw at them to the point of bleeding. Tumors can also grow on the eyes in some breeds such as Labrador Retrievers. These tumors are generally benign but may grow to a large size that necessitates removal of the eye. 

Another dog eye problem is the rust color tear stains that plague small breeds of dogs and brachycephalic cats. At the root of the problem is bacteria that, when interacting with yeast in the affected areas, cause the formation of pigment and subsequent staining.  

Fortunately, there is a proven herbal solution that disinfects the microbial breeding ground at the source. It balances the immune system for optimum wellness, preventing relapse and providing long-term maintenance through your pet’s own natural defenses. See Primalix Cataractin for Healthy Eyes in Dogs and Cats.

Cataracts, Causes and Cures

If you live in a sunny climate and allow your dog to stay outdoors for a good portion of the day, your dog eye problems may include cataracts. This oxidation process is usually found in older dogs and seen in animals that spend a great deal of time in the sun.

To protect your dog’s eyes from excessive sunlight, provide a shade shelter to allow escape from direct sunlight. A simple tarp hung over a frame or small doghouse is sufficient to prevent vision problems later in his life.  

Cataracts can develop at any stage of a dog or cat’s life and are more often than not age-related, diabetes-related or inherited. The process begins when free radicals attack protein molecules in the lens, causing oxidization. Scientists believe the proteins begin to ‘set’ or ‘congeal’ causing part of the lens to cloud over. This is the start of a cataract. Over time, with more protein damage, the whole lens may become opaque. 

But again there is an herbal remedy for cataracts in dogs and cats. The formula is proprietary, but the ingredients include organic Bilberries, Ginkgo Biloba, Wheatgrass, and Dandelion Root extracted with organic vegetable glycerin, apple cider vinegar and purified water. Customers literally sing praises to the “miraculous curative powers” of Primalix Cataractin Herbal Extract – Functional Food Drops. A spontaneous fan club is emerging to trumpet testimonies by word-of-mouth. It’s simply our best-selling herbal remedy ever!

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