I have heard that Black Walnut Hulls are not safe for dogs. This ingredient is in your FourGuard Herbal Dewormer and Parasite Cleanse. Concerned for my Cocker Spaniel.
In a word, Yes!
The active ingredient in black walnut hulls is juglone which, in our FourGuard, is not present in sufficient quantities to cause harm to dogs. We are trying to kill worms, not animals. The concern with black walnut hulls is due to the potential for the husks to grow a strain of Penicillium mold or mycotoxin called Penitrim A. Juglone itself contains antifungal and antibacterial properties, and we only use BWH that is USDA Certified Organic. In speaking with Sara regarding Quality Control at our supplier, a prominent herb wholesaler, she stated that their black walnut hulls are first independently tested by a third party testing lab for any kind of yeast or mold or mycotoxin growth, then tested again upon arrival at their facility, and tested again periodically. The hulls are steam cleaned and processed immediately. All workers who handle the product wear lab coats, rubber gloves, hair nets and a face mask to cover their nose and mouth. The raw BWH they purchase is grown on a US farm which they (together with officials form the United Stated Department of Agriculture) personally visit to perform a series of inspections. Cleanliness is a top priority here at Natural Wonder Products.