
How Much Do Americans Love Dogs?

Do you sign your dog’s name to the family Christmas cards? Do you call and leave your dog voice messages when you’re away? Do you ...
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Your Dog’s Incredible Sense of Smell

Even with their well-developed senses of sight and hearing, it’s smells that make a dog's world. Of all the canine super-senses, the dog's ability to ...
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Your Dog’s Incredible Sense of Hearing

Along with extraordinary vision and an acute sense of smell, dogs have remarkable powers of hearing. The domestic dog owes this super-sense to its wild ...
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Top 10 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

Keep your dog cool in this sweltering summer heat. This may help avoid consequences like dehydration, heatstroke, or even death as a result. From keeping ...
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Teach Stop Barking Steps to Your Dog

A few Stop Barking techniques have proven successful, thankfully. As everyone knows, barking dogs can reek havoc in their owners’ lives. More than one barking ...
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Small Dog Syndrome: Who’s Your Pack Leader?

Small dog syndrome is an unwanted behavioral condition that's entirely preventable. Guarding against it is one of the responsibilities you volunteered for when you accepted the ...
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Quick and Easy Dog Grooming Guide

Why is a dog grooming guide important? Because all dogs regardless of coat type or length need grooming on a regular basis. Grooming is very ...
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Puppy Parenting Tips: The Rebellious Teenage Years

These Puppy Parenting Tips are required reading for any dog lover whose furry youngster is in the rebellious teenage years, 6 to 18 months of ...
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New Puppy Basic Training: Top 6 Skills Every Puppy Should Learn

Looking for new puppy basic training? If you’ve added a new canine member to your household, you and your family are probably delighted by the ...
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How Can I Help My Dog Live Longer, Naturally?

These 7 Questions May Hold The Answer Responsible dog lovers ask, how can I help my dog live longer, naturally? Is dog longevity something I can ...
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Five Bucks Says You Can’t Answer These 6 Common Questions About Dogs

The six most common questions about dogs have answers that may surprise you. Have you ever wondered whether dogs really see the world in black ...
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Dog on a Budget: The New Affordable Fido

With a tight household budget, you may wonder if you can afford to add a new canine member to the family. Sure, dogs have the endearing ...
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