New Puppy Basic Training: Top 6 Skills Every Puppy Should Learn

Looking for new puppy basic training? If you’ve added a new canine member to your household, you and your family are probably delighted by the antics of your new friend.

New pet owners should also be aware that integrating a new animal into the family takes time and effort. Training is critical for keeping your puppy safe and for teaching it good habits that will last a lifetime.

Although many families have busy schedules, it’s best for all members of your family to take the time to get to know the new pet and assist in training activities. Quality time invested by multiple family members will pay off in a well-trained pet that is welcome anywhere.

The “Come here” Command

Teaching your puppy to come to you on command is the single most important skill he or she can learn. This skill can help to prevent your dog from getting into dangerous situations or engaging in antisocial behavior. Spend as much time as is necessary to train your dog to come to you immediately whenever you give the “Come” command. Use special treats and generous praise until you can rely on the animal to obey you, disregarding any distractions that may be occurring around him.

Walking On Leash

Leash training is another important skill for both housebreaking and exercise. Even if your puppy is small, active and appears to not need much exercise, he still has an inborn “migratory instinct” that must be exercised for good physical and mental health. Incorporate short commands to ensure that your dog knows you are the leader of these outings. Simple words like “come,” “wait,” “heel,” and “stay” can help to make walking easier and more enjoyable for both of you.


Some dogs take to outdoor bathroom training very easily and require only a few sessions of encouragement to get the idea. Other puppies, especially small breeds, may require more than just new puppy basic training to encourage them to do their business outdoors. For training these animals it may be helpful to use “puppy pads” indoors to train doggy to go on command. Then transfer the pads outdoors to allow him to connect the idea. With consistent training, the dog will mature enough to hold his waste until he is walked or let into the yard. Always use a command to encourage your dog to go to the bathroom outdoors so that you can rely on his performance when necessary.

New Puppy Basic Training “People” Skills

Being a good doggie citizen also includes learning to behave well around people. Training your dog to refrain from jumping on visitors to greet them, stealing food from the table and sitting on beds or sofas requires gentle, repetitive training.  You can prevent problems such as begging for food, unwelcome sitting on laps and being rough with children if you begin new puppy basic training early and stay consistent in your expectations for the animal. Avoid the urge to let bad behavior slide. Correct the puppy immediately and praise good behavior whenever it occurs.

Socializing With Other Dogs

Learning to behave well with other dogs is a skill that must be learned early in puppyhood. If your dog has few encounters with other dogs, he or she may consider every interaction a threat and may become snappy and anti-social.

After applying TripleSure All-Natural Flea and Tick Spray, take your puppy to the local dog park. Make this a regular event if possible. If he seems frightened and shy, sit with him while he watches the other dogs play. He will become more confident when he sees this is a safe place for him to play. If your puppy becomes aggressive with other dogs, put him on a leash and remove him from the other dogs immediately. Allow him to rejoin the other dogs only when he has become calm. Verbally discourage him from aggressive play. Remember that your dog should have his necessary vaccinations and a healthy immune system before going to the dog park for fun and frolicking.

Staying at Home Alone

Many dogs develop separation anxiety about being at home alone. This problem can often be avoided by teaching your new puppy to stay alone safely and comfortably early in his life:

Determine the best staying-alone environment for your puppy. Larger puppies can be quite destructive when left alone, so crate training may be the best method for these animals. Start crating your pet for short periods while you are at home, placing a toy in the crate with him to keep him occupied. Increase the period of time he is in the crate. Then try leaving him in the crate while you go out for a short time. Extend the amount of time gradually.

Smaller dogs may feel very insecure if left to roam the house while you are away. Confining them to a single room where their bed, water bowl and toys are kept can help them feel more secure. Some may prefer being crated in order to feel secure.

Many puppies and older dogs feel more secure if a radio is left on for them while their family members are out of the house. You can use a timer or smartphone app to turn on the TV for a period of time to have comforting noises in the house. Dog TV is another option with Dish or Cable.

If your puppy barks or howls while you’re away, try leaving the house and standing outside to hear if he begins making noise. If so, come in quickly with a sharp “no.”  When he stays quiet for these short periods, give him a treat and praise him. Extend the period of time you wait outside listening until you can be sure he will behave while alone.

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