5 Human Foods That Are Good For Dogs

You and I know that good food is one of the most important parts of maintaining good health. We have also been taught that human food is generally bad for dogs. While there are certainly some human foods that are bad for your dog (some are even toxic), many common foods we eat are actually good for boosting the health of your dog.

5 Human Foods That Target Specific Conditions in Dogs

Yogurt in a wooden bowl


Plain, unsweetened yogurt is often prescribed for use in dogs with stomach issues. This dietary addition can help regulate your dog's bowel movements, ease diarrhea, and ward off yeast infections. Some dogs like to eat yogurt by itself or atop their regular food. It can also be frozen in small portions and given as a frozen treat.

Bowl of pumpkin


Pumpkin is often added to food when a dog is ill. Canned pumpkin puree can be used. Make sure there are no added ingredients or sweetening agents. Fresh pumpkin is also a great option. Some dogs like raw pumpkin cut up into bite-size pieces. A fresh pumpkin, however, can easily be cooked and made into a puree. Homemade baked dog treats often call for pumpkin as well.

Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries in a white bowl


Berries are rich in antioxidants. They are beneficial to your dog's immune system and can help with skin allergies. Many full-breed dogs suffer from severe skin allergies. Berries may assist in alleviating some of the symptoms. Blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries are all safe for your dog. Mix the berries with yogurt or freeze them for a fun summer treat.

Bananas sliced in a yellow bowl


Bananas offer a significant vitamin boost to your dog's diet. They are very sweet, however, and should not be considered a daily food option. Bananas are packed full of potassium and vitamin B6. The Vitamin C content helps support the immune system and extra fiber assists with digestive health. Bananas can be mushed up and mixed with food or served in small slices as a treat.

Hard boiled Eggs


Eggs are an excellent protein source. High energy and underweight dogs benefit from this extra protein boost. Raw eggs can cause some complications with certain vitamins in the body. Cook eggs properly before serving to your dog. Dogs need regular fatty and amino acids. Eggs are a great source for these items. Digestive upset can also be remedied by eggs in some cases. Scrambled eggs can be added to food, while sliced, boiled eggs make a great treat.

Remember that these 5 human foods are good for dogs and provide many healthful benefits. The addition of some human foods to your dog's diet often increases digestive health and boosts the immune system. Dogs with special health issues may require certain human-grade supplements to stay healthy. Frozen and baked treats turn out great with some of these additions. Assess the individual needs of your dog when deciding which foods to serve, and share, with your best friend.

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