Protecting Your Pets Heart: National Heart Month

National Heart Month: pets too!

This February isn’t just the time for Valentines Day, it’s also American Heart Month — a month when we should all be mindful of things that keep the old ticker healthy. But it’s not just us who should be trying to live healthier lives, our pets deserve some love too. Dogs and cats are equally at risk of developing heart-related illnesses and disorders, and the main defense we have against these conditions is awareness.

Aussie pup in training in green grass with blue harness

Stages of Congestive Heart Failure in Your Pet

  • Stage A:

    The dog is high-risk for CHF, but has no symptoms and no changes to the heart.

  • Stage B1:

     The dog has a heart murmur but no other signs.

  • Stage B2:

    The dog has a heart murmur in addition to structural changes to the heart, but no clinical signs.

  • Stage C:

    The dog has a heart murmur, structural changes to the heart, and clinical signs associated with CHF. These dogs are typically treated.

  • Stage D:

    The dog has CHF and is not responding to standard therapies. The dog will require special treatment strategies.

Did you know that you can nurture your pets naturally?

All it takes is Natural Wonder Pets! We have products for everything your pet needs. From Cataracts, Joint Weakness, Tooth Aches, Cancer, and so much more! Giving our pets essential herbs for cats and dogs can avoid many common health problems. We have consciously selected ten essential herbs that contain hundreds of phytonutrients for the lifelong health and happiness of your pet.

Effects of Congestive Heart Failure:

Like people, dogs can develop heart disease, either as a congenital condition or developing as they age.  Clinical signs can vary, but the most common symptoms include exercise intolerance, coughing or fainting episodes. Diagnostics such as x-ray and heart ultrasound (echo) can help diagnose heart disease so that appropriate treatments can be implemented.  Always report any changes in your dog’s breathing or the development of a new, persistent cough to your veterinarian.

Cats are also at risk for heart disease. More often than not, it is of the congenital (hereditary) variety and may manifest itself at an earlier age. Larger breed cats, such as the Maine Coon, are overrepresented for heart disease, so thorough and regular (every 6 months) examinations are even more important for these types of cats. Heart disease can present very differently in cats, and they can present suddenly in a life-threatening condition. Increased respiratory effort, particularly at rest, open mouth breathing or panting, or difficulty walking with crying out can all be symptoms of heart disease and should be addressed by your veterinarian immediately.

Percentage of Senior Dogs
Percentage of ALL Cats


What is it?

  • Primalix Heart Hardy is the 100% natural herbal formula for a healthy heart in all breeds of domestic dogs (large and small) and cats
  • Only drug-free, side-effect-free USDA Certified Organic whole plant constituents used
  • Acts as a natural and mild diuretic to help eliminate excess fluid
  • Comes in convenient Functional Food Drops™
  • Up to 5 times more absorbent in the gut than pills, tablets or granules

Key benefits:

  • Contains no drugs, alcohol or artificial anything
  • Naturally safe and effective
  • Only USDA Certified Organic herbs used
  • No side effects
  • No dietary restrictions
  • Full spectrum herbal extract glycerite in amber tincture with dropper

Just as obesity can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems in humans, obesity in pets dramatically increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and many types of cancer. Moreover, research reveals that moderate excess weight alone can shorten a pet’s life expectancy by as much as two years.

Healthy daily exercise helps your pet stay trim, fit and healthy. While walking remains a cornerstone activity for canine fitness, you can also play a game of fetch. Keep activities appropriate to your pet’s age, body condition and state of health, and if you’re unsure about the suitability of an activity, consult your veterinarian.

Cats are designed to engage in short bursts of activity rather than long sessions. Games involving stalking, and hunting are typically irresistible to cats and their predatory instincts. The use of fishing-rod toys and laser pointers can encourage aerobic activity, and the use of things like puzzle feeders and interactive toys can encourage cat activity when they’re alone.

Ever since cats and dogs became domesticated, their natural source of “dental floss” and teeth cleaning – their prey – has been in large part removed from their diet. Canned and dried foods, the nutritional replacement for your pet’s traditional diet, simply cannot provide the same level of oral hygiene and most pets suffer the consequences.

Dental disease is an infection of the teeth, gums, and surrounding structures and is by far the most common major health problem of cats and dogs. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, more than 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by the time they are 3 years old.

Visit our products to find proper care for your pets Dental needs.

It starts with a build-up of plaque. Plaque eventually turns to tarter and quickly forms small pockets where an animal’s gums meet its teeth. The gums can separate from the tooth and this allows more bacteria and food to accumulate. This build-up leads to periodontal disease, which can allow bacteria to now enter the bloodstream leading to more serious health problems including heart, lung, and kidney disease if left untreated.

Regularly brushing your pet’s teeth is the single most effective thing you can do to keep their teeth healthy between dental cleanings, and may reduce the frequency or even eliminate the need for periodic dental cleaning by your veterinarian. Daily brushing is best, but it’s not always possible and brushing several times a week can be effective. Most dogs accept brushing, but cats can be a bit more resistant – patience and training are important.

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