Tick and Flea Season

Tick and Flea Season is in Full Swing

The seasons, they are a changing’, so are your pet’s health and safety needs. Warmer
temperatures result in an increase in life and activity of parasites like fleas and ticks, making this the perfect time to implement a prevention plan to keep your pet healthy, safe, and happy this season.

Why Does My Pet Need Protection?

It is important to protect your pets from fleas and ticks not only because they carry and transmit disease from animal to animal, but also from animal to human – yikes! The plague, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are just a few of the zoonotic diseases that can make their way from a flea or tick into your pet’s or your own body. So, what is the best way to prevent this from happening? In our opinion, it begins with a natural remedy called TripleSure..

A Safe Natural Solution

TripleSure is Natural Wonder Pet’s all-natural flea and tick spray made for both dogs and cats. This product relies on plant-based Octopamine blockers to repel and even kill insects and parasites.
Octopamine blockers can be found naturally in plants like cedar trees and peppermint plants, both of which are used in our TripleSure spray.  And since animals and humans lack Octopamine receptors, a product made from Octopamine blockers is completely harmless and totally safe to use!

How Do I Apply TripleSure?

So, you’ve got yourself and your pet some TripleSure, now what?

1) Shake it really well and begin by spraying your pet’s bedding and play areas (fleas and ticks often like to hang out there).

2) Then, grab your pet and spray liberally from their tail to their head, keeping the nozzle about 6 to 12 inches from their body – don’t forget their legs and bellies!

Be careful not to over saturate your pet, and do not spray directly into or on their eyes, ears, mouth, or genitals.

3) Hand fluff their fur in the opposite direction it normally lays to ensure the product contacts the skin. Depending on your pet’s outdoor activity schedule, we suggest applying TripleSure every two weeks or so. However, this product is safe to apply daily if needed.

Multiple Uses Around Your Home

But wait, there’s more! Not only can you use TripleSure on and for your pets, but you can also use it around your home to prevent fleas, ticks and other creepy critters (think spiders, bugs, mosquitoes, etc.) from getting into your home. To do so, spray liberally around door and window thresholds as well as any corners, cracks or crevices. Do this as needed, because once again, it’s totally safe and harmless to you and your pets.

If you have any additional questions on our TripleSure product and how to use it, please take a look at our FAQ sheet below.

Your pets will thank you!


Flies were crazy this year! I knew if the flies were that bad, who knows how bad the fleas are for our dog. But with a baby and a toddler at home, I wanted to find a remedy that wasn't that God awful chemical smelling cream (you know the stuff!). I'm happy we came across TripleSure from Natural Wonder Pets! It's organic, chemical free and safe to be around children. Don't let that fool you though, it works to help keep fleas, flies and even ticks at bay for our Great Pyrenees mix!

I purchased the Sooth Away Natural Relief 4 oz spray bottle for my 3 year old Great Dane. She gets hot spots and rashes occasionally and this is the first product that I’ve found that actually works. Easy to navigate website with a cool story of how this small company in Minnesota has been able to make quality products out of natural ingredients for our furry family members! I would highly recommend going to their website and checking out all of the amazing things they have to help from dental care to diabetes. I don’t normally do reviews, but these guys deserve a shout out for the quality products they’re producing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Natural Flea Control is not Rocket Science.

It’s simply a natural organic chemical defense produced by plants to avoid being eaten alive by insects.

Visit Natural Wonder Pets to purchase your TripleSure product today!

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