
Looking For Another Pet Affiliate Program?

(The Correct Answer Is “No!”)

We’re not just another pet affiliate program.

Millions of good websites are out there, but we’re looking for just a few great ones to build a lucrative relationship with.

We’re a smaller, nimbler, homegrown pet healthcare products company - an herbal pharmacy - with our own dogs and cats playing no small part in our corporate culture.

Here at Natural Wonder Products the word “natural” is our promise, not just a buzzword. We make and sell only our own products – so we know exactly what’s in them. If the ingredients are not honestly natural, we won’t make it or sell it. End of discussion.

“So what?” You Ask

For starters, we see the other pet affiliate programs lumbering along like dinosaurs, worrying about such things as shareholder value, mergers and acquisitions, and the frantic struggle to rescue the bottom line.

We also see them pushing name-brand pet health care products laced with toxic pesticides and noxious chemicals, completely oblivious to laboratory tests that show devastating health effects on our precious pets. Even worse, we see them fully aware of these negative health effects but turning a blind eye to the evidence – anything to make a buck.

Is it just me, or have you noticed the flagrant disregard for customers displayed by these industrial-age pet affiliate programs and websites?

Maybe you've also noticed how dogs and cats are advancing in the family hierarchy, how growth in pet care spending is being driven by educated, higher income households, and how pet lovers everywhere are seeking out natural, human-grade pet products.

  • Wanna do a PPC campaign using our trademarks and trade names? No problem.
  • Looking for relevant, search-engine-optimized, compelling content pages for your website? We've got all you can use.
  • How about just posting a few banners and taking the rest of the day off? That's okay too.
  • Got a growing email list and looking for a lucrative joint venture? Let's talk. I'm all ears.

Can a Responsible Pet Affiliate Program Make You Money?

(The Correct Answer is “Yes!”)

Natural Wonder Pets Affiliate Program enjoys one of the highest conversion rates on the Web - averaging 23.5% with our top earners. We get the clicks because simple honesty speaks volumes to responsible pet lovers.

Our proprietary products are at the top of their market with sales booming!

What’s In It For You?


Your website monetization strategy includes:

  • Product Images
  • Product Widgets
  • Product Datafeed
  • Text and Logo Links
  • Banner Ads & Buttons
  • Return Rate of Less Than 1%
  • Strong Money-Back Guarantees
  • Articles and Educational Content
  • Manufacturer-to-Consumer Savings
  • 15% or more Reoccurring Commissions
  • Consumables Repurchased Indefinitely
  • Affiliate Control Panel Reports & Statistics
  • Advanced Payout Levels Based On Performance
  • Offers and Products Not Available in Retail Stores
  • Triple Redundancy Tracking: IP, Cookies, Sessions
  • Earth-Friendly, Non-Toxic, Natural, Human Grade Products
  • Single-Product (keyword-specific) Landing Pages to Guide Prospects Through the Sales Funnel

What’s Your Next Move?

Joining our winning team takes three simple steps.

Step One takes place in your head. You need to make the mental commitment to succeed and earn a substantial income with our Natural Wonder Pets Affiliate Program.

Any bonehead can fill in their name & email address and hit the Submit button. We’re looking for pet-related website owners (and high-traffic general merchandising websites) who will follow through with action by posting banners and text links, building pages with our keyword-specific content that moves traffic, and staying in touch by email and phone calls to our toll-free number. In short, we want you to let us help you succeed.

Step Two is easy. Read over the Natural Wonder Pet Affiliate Program AFFILIATE AGREEMENT, and complete the Application form.

Step Three is the all-important follow-through. The job is not done until you've posted banners, text links and/or page content on your website. After all, isn't this the point of joining a pet affiliate program?

NOTE: All affiliate signups also receive full credit for their visitors sent to (and sales made from) our sister website,

So get my banners, links and content pages posted on your website today. Contact me personally with any questions. It will be like picking up dimes and watching them turn into dollars before they reach your pocket. You'll see how easy it is to make money with our exclusive, all-natural, eco-friendly, premium quality pet health care products.

Apply Here

Welcome aboard!

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